
Mag of Holding - Breath of the Feywild

Created by Paddy Finn

Missed out on the Kickstarter? Fear not, check out some of the items we have in the store.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Scary Christmas and Backerkit
over 2 years ago – Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 10:08:23 PM

Happy Sunday!

I hope you're having a good weekend...or at least a better weekend that I'm having :)

3 people in our house are down with that's been fun. One of of our kids has it much worse than the others and we've been really worried about her. 

The others are soldiering on.

Needless to say, my time has been divided between working on this project and caring for my family...more so than usual.

This is your heads up that A Scary Christmas will take a few more days to get out the door! Please bear with me.

Here's a shot of a very rough draft of the first few pages. Polish is progress!

A Scary Christmas Excerpt

Yes! Santa has been corrupted by an evil meteor and his reindeer have been infected with space parasites bent on destroying the cosmos! I mean, how else do you get super creepy reindeer with hands for antlers?

Lancer (previously known as Dancer) carries a lance of ice of course...and Thrasher (previously knows as Dasher) carries a candy cane hammer for...wait for it...thrashing people.

There may or may not be more actions...mwahahaha!

Okay, that's enough PUNishment for today :)

Also, please keep an eye out for the pledge manager link appearing in your inbox in the next few days. 

I shall send another update when that goes out. I hope this Scary Christmas PDF will be ready to go out right alongside it.

Wishing you and yours a great week ahead in the run up to the holidays.

Take care,


$20,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked - THANK YOU!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 08:30:39 PM


We hit the next magic number :)

We will include a poster of the cover for all backers of physical tiers.

Those minis still eludes us, but we'll get them one day!

I've taken on feedback and redesigned our stretch goals for the next campaign to include more unlocked content within the publication itself.

I'm super excited to release Breath of the Feywild into the...errr...wild. But we're already hard at work on the next installment of Mag of Holding while we await the art for this one. 

Also, Mag of Holding will receive an upgrade in 2022. I'm excited to share what exactly that means, but we still have to iron out a few details.

That one will probably go live in mid-2022. I'll talk about that some more later.

But the best way to stay up to date and make sure you don't miss anything is by getting the weekly newsletter:

Thanks again so much for all your support. Breath of the Feywild is going to create so much fun.

I'll post another update tomorrow before the end of the Kickstarter.

Until then, keep rollin'!



Digital Token Pack & Yarg's Guide to Puzzles and Traps
over 2 years ago – Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 08:14:12 PM


It's that time again!

We unlocked the $15,000 stretch goal and every backer will receive a digital token pack for Mag of Holding - Breath of the Feywild.

We're just around the halfway mark, and it looks like we'll hit another stretch goal or two by the end. Fingers crossed!

I just backed this Kickstarter: Yarg's Guide to Puzzles and Traps

We all know how tricky it can be to pull off a great puzzle in 5e and traditional traps aren't all THAT interesting. I think these guys have something worth looking at. If their samples and art are anything to go by, I'll be using this book a lot!

With only 3 days left, they have close to 2,000 backers and have unlocked some impressive stretch goals!

Until next time.

Keep rollin'

Paddy Finn

Art Update & Shot Glass Adventures
over 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 04:58:05 PM

We've entered the middle slump.

But let's keep things moving! Please share the campaign with your gaming friends :)

I just received an update on a piece of art that is a work-in-progress:

Breath of the Feywild Art - Henrique DLD

It's very rough, but I still wanted to share. Henrique does a lot of art for Mag of Holding and he does great work!

If you've been following Mag of Holding for any length of time, you'll know that we create a ton of original art for you to enjoy alongside the written content.

We've learned a lot along the way. But sourcing good art for Mag of Holding is very important to me and something I enjoy a great deal :) 

Given how expensive art can be though, we usually commission the bulk of it after the Kickstarter has ended. I'm looking forward to working with our artists over the coming weeks and months.

Speaking of Kickstarters ending.

My buddy, the Laidback Dungeon Master has a great campaign on the go and it ENDS TODAY!

The Laidback Dungeon Master is good people and he creates amazing content.

Go show his campaign some love :)


I'll send another art update or 2 by the end of the campaign. Not to mention we should hit another stretch goal any day now!

Let's make it happen :D

Thanks again for all your support.

Looking forward to setting this one free!



Ginny Di & Unlocked New Stretch Goal at $10,000
over 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 03, 2021 at 10:23:52 PM

As you may already know, I interviewed Ginny Di for Breath of the Feywild.

You can catch some of the interview here: 

I had a ton of fun nerding out with her about the feywild, fairies, mythology, D&D in general, and more.

As for stretch goals.


What kind of stretch goals do you look for in a Kickstarter like this?

We're all about giving you guys what you want. So, let's see if we can make it happen!

Two more goals have been unveiled...Digital token Pack and Printed Poster, here we come!

Until next time.

